2 months ago

The Midnight Sun makes full visible 24 hour circles around the viewer, proving it's local. At 93 million miles away it would slow down and change direction every 12 hours due to the change in direction of the alleged spin of the earth relative to the Sun. I noticed this obvious fact on my own and haven't seen it elsewhere, a stunning indictment of fake science. This destroys heliocentrism.

This proof works at lower latitudes as well. If the Sun rose at 7am it would have to change direction at 7pm, but the alleged globe would be blocking the Sun at that point, so days should never be more than 12 hours with the globe model. Globers counter with a southern midnight Sun, which still doesn't explain how it can circle around us if it's 93 million miles away.

Globers can't explain it because it doesn't fit their model. The Sun is a light bulb in our sky with localized light and it gets noticeably darker and cooler before the Sun sets. Why would the tilt of the alleged globe cause a change in seasons when it's less than .005% of the alleged 93 million miles distance to the Sun? Also, they claim we're closer to the Sun during the northern winter than in the summer. The math doesn't add up trying to explain the change in seasons with the heliocentric model, but it makes perfect sense in the geocentric model. Our local Sun slowly spirals inwards day by day to it's smallest circle at the northern summer solstice, then spirals outwards day by day to its largest circle ...

Heat can't travel through a vacuum, which is how a thermos keeps your coffee or soup hot.

The Sun sets due to perspective and the vanishing point on the horizon. The Sun and Moon are the same size and give their own light. There is much more life in the Arctic than Antarctic. ...


ISAIAH 40:22 
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth,





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