Andre Bradford for Governor of Indiana 2028

2 months ago

Andre Bradford 2028 Governor Candidate for Indiana.
#Andrebradfordforgovernorindiana2028 #thepublicservantbradford

- A $5,000 monthly settlement for African Americans
- A pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants
- Relief for students burdened by student loan debt
- A 50% tax cut for all Americans earning $150,000 or less annually
- Executing a "Child Finders Act" to protect missing children
- Executing a "Constitutional Act" to hold government officials accountable for rights violations
- Executing a "Hate Crime Act" to hold people who commit hate crimes against African Americans accountable
- Executing a "Food Regulation Act" to ban harmful food chemicals
- Paying students a federal minimum wage for attending school, revising curriculum to include entrepreneurial skills and designating school days for students to showcase their talents.

#drmalcolmtanner #melanatedpeopleofpower #TANNER2024 #TANNERANDTANNER #Tannercounty #TANNER2028

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