Kitten Tries To Reach Milk, Fails Hilariously

6 years ago

You probably know how much kittens love milk. This kitten nearly hurt itself while trying to reach for a bottle of milk. The kitty is standing on the couch and the milk is on the shelf. There is a big space between the couch and the shelf. Well, for humans it’s not that big, however, for a small kitten, it’s like Grand Canyon. At first, the kitty is only meowing at the milk. It is looking at the bottle obviously craving delicious milk. And then, this little fella decided to go for it. It jumped, however, being so small, it fell on the ground before it could reach the shelf. Awww… Poor little guy! But soon, this little kitty will grow up and become a fearless cat which can jump like a pro. But until then, this kitten should stop jumping. His legs are just not ready for such great heights, don’t you think?

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