CALL YOUR SHERIFF!!! Let's make them ALL Constitutional Sheriffs!

2 months ago

Richard Mack Bio
Richard Mack, the former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, served in law enforcement for 20 years. He served as a Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Undercover Agent, School Resource Officer, Detective, and specialized in crimes against children. In 1988 he was elected to the office of Sheriff in his hometown and served as such for eight years. In 1991 he graduated from the FBI Academy.

During his tenure as Sheriff, he became the first sheriff in American history to sue the federal government, take it all the way to the U S Supreme Court, and win a landmark case against government overreach during Clinton Adm). Mack/Printz v us case has been hailed as the most powerful Tenth Amendment decision in USA history. The federal government tried to commandeer the office of sheriff nationally, threatened to fine and/or arrest sheriffs, if they failed to comply with their unlawful legislation. (An interesting point that came about because of Sheriff Mack's supreme court win is; there were 5 Brady bills scheduled to be passed one year after the other for 5 years. At that point the second amendment would have been completely destroyed. With the win of the Mack/Printz case, it shut those down.)
*included a picture of the cover of the booklet that is on sale on the Website. It's a highlighted version of the Supreme Court Rulingand is about the size of a pocket Constitution.

Mack was named NRA Law Officer of the Year, inducted into NRA Hall of Fame, received the Cicero Award, the Samuel Adams Leadership Award, received the Gun Owners of America’s, Defender of 2nd Amendment award, and the Elected Official of the Year by the Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties.

Sheriff Mack is the Founder and President of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. This organization is dedicated to the restoration of individual liberty and the protection of Civil Rights. It's an organization that brings citizens, law enforcement, sheriffs, and elected officials together. It's solution oriented. Taking our country back in a peaceful and effective way, at a local and state level. An annual membership is $99 and anyone can join at the CSPOA Website.

He has provided hundreds of training seminars to Sheriffs, Police, and Public Officials in all 50 States and in several other countries across the world. He has also appeared on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Newsmax, NYTimes, LA Times, USA Today, and over 1,000 radio networks worldwide.

He has been married for 49 years to his wife Dawn. They have five children and 15 grandchildren.

- We are all very encouraged about the huge red wave that just got in the way of the communist takeover of America. Trump's victory means we have a lot of work to do. What will happen to Trump now that he has won? Will the attacks against him diminish or increase? Judging by the past, they will most certainly increase. Therefore, we need to be prepared.

The Sheriffs of America must be ready, and we must have President Trump's back! The gangs, cartels and terrorists are still here and are certainly planning their next subterfuge. We must remain vigilant! We've got to get busy and erect the barriers against all potential attacks and sabotage.

-The border situation has become a different conversation. What will the deportation look like? Most sheriffs have a posse in their counties.While serving as an Arizona Sheriff, Mack has been to the border multiple times as well as in the drug tunnels. Just recently he has been to the border with current sheriffs, riding in the speed boats up the Rio Grande. He is in contact with Border sheriffs. So he is up to date on what is going on there.

President Trump will absolutely need sheriffs to be involved to deport, arrest gang members, cartels, and terrorists. We The People have work to do. Let's do it! Winning was only the beginning!

Here are the Website, links, and tags.
tiktok: @cspoasheriffs
Truth Social: @RealCSPOA
Youtube: @UpholdandDefend


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