Rahan. Episode 131. By Roger Lecureux. The Barrage of Demons. A Puke (TM) Comic.

2 months ago

Translated By PukeOnAPlate


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


The son of the ferocious ages!

Episode One Hundred and Thirty-One.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Romero.

The Barrage of Demons.

Never before had the son of Crao faced such a terrible storm.
The waves that were driving him towards the island would have carried him away long ago.

If he had not lashed himself to his skiff.
Rahan will join the "Territory of Shadows"!
Rahan will not escape the wrath of the water desert!

Thrown with incredible violence against a reef, his raft had just disintegrated! A new wave submerged him.

Page Two.

And he reappeared in the foaming waves, desperately clinging to a trunk of his skiff.
Rahan wants life! Rahan wants life!

A cliff of water arose, which collapsed immediately, swallowing him up with the trunk.

Carried away by the whirlwinds, this trunk rolled on itself and Rahan turned with it. Staying on the surface was impossible.

Rahan would have needed several trunks! Oh!
Springing out from there like a spear thrown by a giant of the seas, another trunk was heading straight for him!

No one will ever know to what miracle the son of Crao owed for being spared!

Page Three.

As soon as the trunk reappeared, Rahan was already clinging to it.
Rahan now has a chance to escape the "Water Desert"! A small chance!

The two trunks allowed him to stay on the surface, to resist the waves that were constantly tossing him around.

One of them carried him towards the island with the steep shore, and threw him towards a cove.
But he did not know that this wave announced the end of the storm.

Where, exhausted by this long struggle against the storm, he remained lying on this beach, half unconscious.
Rahan is dead.
Rahan comes to join you, Crao.

In his delirium, visions followed one another.
That of the "Tragic Night" Where the anger of the blue mountain had decimated all his people.

Page Four.

That of Crao-the-wise bequeathing him his five-claw necklace.
They symbolize courage, loyalty, generosity, tenacity, wisdom!
You will always be faithful to them, Rahan!

That of the night he stole from the chieftain of the river the marvel, the incomparable ivory knife.

This knife, with which he had overcome perils as numerous as the leaves of a tree in the season of green leaves.

The "Water Desert" Did not devour Rahan!
The time had not yet come for Rahan to join you, Crao.
He was slowly coming to his senses, when.

Oh. What? What?
His necklace of claws had disappeared.
As had his ivory knife.

Page Five.

Muffled murmurs came to him from a grove of coastal coconuts.
Those who stole Rahan's weapon are hiding under the trees of the "Fruit of Wood"!

Arming himself with a bamboo pole that had been broken by the storm, he approached cautiously.
Rahan will never abandon his knife and necklace! Get out of here, you cowards!

Do not come near "Fire-Hair"! Do not come near!
Here. Take your belongings!
The ivory weapon and the necklace of claws fell back at his feet.

While a group of fearful children emerged from the coconut trees.
We. We. We, thought you were dead! Do not kill us "Fire-Hair"!

I am Rahan, the son of Crao! And Rahan never kills "Those-who-walk-upright"!
Even more so, the "Little-men"!
These children thought they feared the worst.

Where is your clan!?
How did you arrive on this lost shore, without boats or rafts?

Page Six.

We had boats! But a storm swallowed them up many moons ago, along with several of us!
And we were washed up on that cursed beach.

The one who seemed to be the "leader" of these children pointed to the steep cliff that surrounded the cove on all sides.
Without any hope of leaving one day!

Since then, we have been surviving on "Wood Fruits" and on fish that wash up on the beach!
But could you have fled through the "Water Desert"?

It is impossible, "Fire-Hair." None of us can "Crawl on Water"!
The children watched Rahan with the same fear.

And your parents, your big brothers, did nothing to find you?
To come and get you!?
Bitterness saddened all the young faces.

If you knew our clan, you would not use that language, "Fire-Hair"!
Rahan was confused.

Page Seven.

The "Chief" of these children, who was called Haka-nou, reported the strange custom of his clan.
The parents, in this clan, raised their male children only until the age of ten.

After ten "Springs" these children were left to their own devices and had to survive by their own means.

And it is only in the twentieth "Spring" that we are allowed to mingle with the elders!
Rahan was surprised.
The son of Crao was both stunned and indignant.

Rahan has never met a clan that abandons its own children like this!
Rahan will help you get out of this trap, Haka-Nou!

Rahan cannot, with his knife alone, cut down enough trees to make a new raft.
So all we have left is the cliff!

Rahan knows what to do!
The son of Crao had already spotted some ledges that would allow climbing.
But the lowest one was inaccessible.

Page Eight.

Soon after, under skeptical eyes, he carved a solid wooden hook.
If Rahan succeeds, he will tie the vine and you will be able to climb safely.

It was only after several attempts that his grappling hook found a hold.

The climb was perilous because the grappling hook risked, at any moment, becoming unstuck.
That was why he hoisted himself up slowly without any abruptness.

The ledge which he finally reached was so narrow that he could hardly stand on it.
The admiring cries of the children came up from the shore.

Suddenly they turned into a clamor of concern.
And the son of Crao saw the men silhouetted against the sky, brandishing stones.
No! No!
Do not do that! Rahan is not an enemy!

Page Nine.

Pinned to the cliff, he could not escape the stones that were now raining down around him.
Vlang! Schtock!

And Suddenly!
He reeled from the shock and fell into the void!

The cliff seemed to capsize. Men and children merged into the whirlwind of its shrapnel.
Rahan joins you, Crao.

And a terrible jolt put an abrupt end to this fall! The vine had held!
The "Wooden Fang" had held!

The men who had seen him fall into the void saw him.
Reappear, cling to the overhang again!
It was terror!
The hunter from the treeless desert is a spirit!

Page Ten.

The second phase of the climb was easier.
The men had long since disappeared when Rahan pulled himself up onto the ridge.
And now, it is the turn of the "Little Men"!

One by one, the infants rejoined the son of Crao.
Without you, we would have remained prisoners on this shore!
A storm stronger than the others would have ended up carrying us away!

The young Haka-Nou seemed to be out of place.
You are the first "Old Man" who does something for us, "Fire-Hair"!

Hum. Rahan is not that "Old", Haka-Nou!
He only has twice as many "Springs" as you!

Those who wanted to kill you were one of us! I recognized my father among them! He is their leader!
Well, Rahan will go and tell your father what he thinks of his welcome!

And he will tell him how cowardly and unworthy he finds it to abandon "little men" to their fate!
Kanak will kill you "Fire-Hair"!

Page Eleven.

Those who wanted to kill Rahan are more numerous than the wrinkles of the "Water Desert."
And Rahan is still alive!
The son of Crao felt light and confident.

After a brief lull, the sea was rough again.
The "Water Desert" gets angry too often! Fishing must be impossible there! Oh.

He had just discovered a village hidden at the bottom of a cove.
The clan of Kanak! The clan that rejects its own children!

He was heading towards this village when.
Three men in strange helmets rushed towards him from the undergrowth.

The "Fish-Headed Men" do not scare Rahan!
The fastest of the swordmen charged with the spear-point of his helmet.

Page Twelve.

But he did not count on the vivacity of the son of Crao!

Using the strange helmet to his advantage, Rahan threw the second attacker off balance.
But he could not dodge the third's attack.

The "Dart" had only just scratched his skin.

But he collapsed, as if under the most terrible blows of a club!
This hunter is strong and the drug will not have effect on him for very long!
We must bring him back to Kanak before he comes to!

The son of Crao regained consciousness in the village.
He was tied to the stilts of a straw hut and fishermen were watching him with concern.

Page thirteen.

Kanak keeps telling you that you have nothing to fear from "Hair of Fire"!
Kanak pointed to the gash that streaked the captive's side.

He lost blood!
And we all know that spirits do not have blood!
Kanak is Right! Rahan is just a simple hunter!
It is the anger of the "Water Desert" that threw him back on your territory!

Perplexed, the chief consulted the sorcerer of the clan.
The captive seems sincere!
We could, perhaps, release him?

The demons who are already hostile to us would never forgive us for sparing the one who escaped them!
The only way to appease their anger is to deliver Rahan to them as an offering!

When the sun-god rises from the "Water Desert" we will offer the demons the life of "Fire-Hair"!

As Rahan had often found in other clans, the authority of the sorcerer was greater than that of the chief.
I cannot do anything more for you, "Fire-Hair"! You will die at the rising of the sun-god!

Page Fourteen.

I can only return your knife so that you can join the "Territory of Shadows" with dignity!
The hope of the son of Crao had vanished very quickly.

For the way he was restrained, prevented him from seizing his weapon!
Night fell on the ocean agitated by a new storm.

And the fishermen, hidden in their straw huts, imploring the clemency of the demons of the "Water Desert."
Oh! Rahan must be dreaming!

A few children emerged from the squall.
We have seen and heard it all, Rahan!
We will not abandon you to these old fools!

A moment later, the ivory blade cut through the bonds.
Bahaa-the-sorcerer will not send the "Old Ones" after you until daybreak!
You have time to flee, "Fire-Hair"! Flee!

No, Haka-Nou! Rahan will not leave this territory until he has convinced the "Elders" of their stupidity!
So, follow us!
Page Fifteen.

The children took Rahan to another cove littered with the carcasses of skiffs.
Every time they go fishing, the "old people" come up against the "Demon Barrier"!

And each time, some boats capsize and are swallowed up! Others are thrown back onto this shore!

Beyond the demon dbarrier, the water desert teems with fish!
But alas, the boats that manage to cross the "Barrage."

Are often swept away by such a rapid current that they never return to the realm of the "sun god!"

Since fishing is so dangerous, it would be one more reason for the clan to unite the efforts of the "Elders" and those of the "Little Men"!

We would like it Rahan! But Bahaa-the-sorcerer claims that children are a burden to the clan and must survive on their own!

Page Sixteen.

Well, Rahan will teach you how to survive, how to overcome the "Demon Barrier"!
We will teach this Bahaa a lesson!

An idea was already germinating in the mind of the son of Crao.
He saw himself triumphing over the waves, held up by the two trunks.

At the same time. The captive escaped because of you, Kanak!
You should never have left him his knife!

And since you are at fault, it is up to you, and you alone, to bring him back to the clan!
Dead or alive!

Kana-the-chief, sought the fugitive for a long time.
The sun was high when the joyful clamors reached him.

At the edge of the shore, the son of Crao and the children were busy around the strangest of skiffs!

Page Seventeen.

The shouting stopped abruptly when Kanak appeared, his spear held high.
I have to bring you back to the clan, "Fire-Hair"!
You must follow me without resisting, otherwise.

No, father! Do not do that! Rahan invented a boat that could perhaps cross the "demon barrier."

Rahan will not follow a leader who lets himself be dominated by a stupid wizard!
So, Kanak will bring back your corpse!

Kana did not even have time to realize what was happening.
A terrible blow had lifted him off the ground.

When he came to, the shore was disappearing in the distance.
The raft, stabilized by its large floats, plunged again and again into the depths of the waves.
Rahan means you no harm father!
Rahan is a good brave hunter!

Page Eighteen.

Hold on, "Little Men"! Hold on!
Clinging to the strange skiff, the children screamed with joy.

Because this raft, unsinkable thanks to its two floats, had just passed the terrifying "Barrage of Demons"!

On the shore, the fishermen had witnessed the feat and were shouting “a miracle!”
The demons will take revenge! This raft will be carried away by the current! It will never return to shore!

The skiff was in fact being carried out to sea by a fast current.
Courage, "Little Men"!
It is time to see if Rahan's other idea was good!

Inspired by the "Wooden Fang" that had stopped his fall from the cliff, the son of Crao had, during the night, fashioned a strange object.

Page Nineteen.

This crude but sturdy "Anchor", heavily weighted, disappeared into the depths.

It must have grabbed a rock because, despite the violence of the current, the raft stopped.
We have succeeded! We will be able to fish! You will be able to fish too, Kanak!

The surprise of Kanak-the-chief was matched only by the dismay of Baha-the-sorcerer.
What. What.
"Fire-Hair" is a greater sorcerer than you, Bahaa.

He crossed the "barrage of Demons"!
He conquered the currents!
He led the "Little Men" to the "Great Fishing Ground"!

There is enough to feed the clan for several moons!
The banished children did indeed catch a wonderful catch that day, an extraordinary catch.

Yes, Kanak. Enough to feed the whole clan.
The "Elders" as well as the "Little Men"!

Page Twenty.

At sunset, with the tide, the raft crossed the foaming bar again and it was to cheers that it returned to shore.
"Fire-Hair" has defeated the demons! Long live "Fire-Hair"!

Shortly After.
Custom dictates that this fishing belongs to the children, and them alone!
But they want to share it with us!
And Rahan says that we should always do this!

Rahan was clearly opposed to the customs of “those-who-walk-upright."
And could not help but argue against this one.
Keeping your children away is unfair and stupid because all members of a clan, "Little men" or old men are like branches of the same tree!
Bahaa-the-sorcerer, in the distance, murmured softly.

But he could do nothing more against the authority that the son of Crao had just acquired.
Rahan will convince all these men!

Kanak-the-chief, and his son Haka-Nou, side by side, cheerfully distributed the fish.
They symbolized the first breach in the harmful custom.

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