All Things Are Possible

2 months ago

Mary, the mother of Jesus after she was visited by Gabriel Who told her some startling news that she, a virgin, would become the Mother of God. Then He said: For nothing is impossible with God. All things are possible. So how does this Gospel story play out in your life? Do you believe all things are possible? When you get up to the tee do you think it is possible for you to get a hole in one?
Impossibility is something we face every day. So how does the faith of Mary in the Christmas story inspire you to believe. Mary believed what Gabriel told her and instantly said: Yes Lord!

When we have a negative reaction to facing something hard, we won’t end well. Isn’t it like that in golf? If you are negative and follow the thoughts and feelings of: I can’t make that shot. Believe me, you wont’ make it.

In the Christmas Story, Mary believed in the impossible, she believed God. Mary was equipped throughout her life with the faith of God, believing that the Messiah was coming to deliver them, she believed. So when Gabriel came to her, even though it was shocking, she chose not to fear and she chose to believe God. She said YES our of her faith and belief in God.

We are equipped in golf and can learn and grow as a player by taking lessons, by practicing, by golf videos that teach us and help us make corrections in our swing so that we play better. It is the same with our lives. We are equipped by God, given exactly what we need to live out the life He has called us too. We have the Word of God that teaches us many things and makes us ready to fight the good fight of faith. We practice our faith and sometimes fall flat on our face, but we get up and go at it again until like Mary, we can believe God the first time and say Yes to God without hesitation.

It is amazing that throughout history no one has gone without what they need to “Grow through” life in the strength and wisdom of God, equipped and navigated by the Holy Spirit of God. We go from strength to strength and faith to faith.

Without practice, without learning new techniques in golf that correct my swing, I am not a good golfer. The same for life, without God, without His Word, direction and wisdom, I am not good.

We need Him, the ONE Who makes all things possible. When we acknowledge that, walk in faith, and exercise our belief with positive attitudes. We can make that par. God bless you Heart To Heart.

Mary’s Story; Christmas; Mother Of God; Gospel; Golf; Golf Game; Par; Impossible Shot; Believe; Christmas Story; Impossible; Possible; God; Yes Lord; Yes; Faith; Belief; Word Of God; Golf Techniques; Golf Lessons; With God; Without God; Not Good; Hole In One; Believe God; Believe;

Dig Deeper:
This is our time. So, I pray for my family, my friends and all my acquaintances from today and yesteryear that we all open our hearts wide to God and if we are already in a conversation with God, we need to strengthen that vital-vertical relationship and spend more time with Him, and if we are not in a conversation with God, we need to open our hearts to Jesus, accept Him in our hearts and begin that conversation with God, heart to heart, with Him, with His Word, with His Holy Spirit navigating us in times such as these, His salvation is here.
Don’t quit. You are seeing things through the eyes of a worldly viewpoint. God is right there with you, fighting for you in the unseen. The Kingdom Perspective Is: God does not quit, He does not forsake you. God finishes well. You may feel irreversibly broken, but in God’s Kingdom perspective, you will be redeemed and remade.  There is nothing irreversible with God.

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