Forget Netanyahu As A SECOND MAJOR BLOW Rocks Syria!

2 months ago

Right, so matters appear to be going from bad to worse for the relatively friendless Syrian HTS led administration of Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, with Israel making further incursions to seize more Syrian territory and continuing to blow up more Syrian targets they’ve deemed a threat, one of the latest examples of which elicited much oohing and aahing in the mainstream media as a mushroom cloud appeared above a large arms stockpile and Syrian airbase, all in an inhabited area of course.
Where Israel continues to attack Syria while al-Jolani continues to profess that he is their ally, others he has sworn are not his allies are treating him in exactly the same way and although most surrounding Arab nations have not overtly stated that they’re going to attack Syria now their ally Assad has fallen, one has, in no uncertain terms stated that they consider the new Syria to be a hostile threat and if they come too close, they can expect a pre-emptive strike. Has Syria just become yet another pariah state in the Middle East and actually should we be surprised at the reaction they are getting when Israel can never be trusted, especially under Netanyahu’s rule, and when everyone else sees this new administration for the Al Qaeda cast offs and leftovers they really are, why would they choose to have diplomatic relations with them at all?
Right, so while Israel is almost certainly the biggest headache facing the new Syrian government, interim as it allegedly is pending new elections, led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, or HTS, the cabal of Al-Qaeda and ISIS leftovers that this group ostensibly is have a big problem with another nation too, or potentially do if they don’t basically stay the hell away. Here's a translation of a televised statement issued by one of their commanders spelling out the problems on a second front al-Julani’s setup in Syria now have:
‘The United States have allocated $10 million to Abu Muhammad Al-Julani and he is now the leader of what is called the response to aggression, the opposition and others. These are murderous terrorists. Wait for the coming days and listen to me. To our people in Syria and to the clans in Syria. If they don’t slaughter them one by one, let them blame me. We went through this situation in 2014 and this is what happened to us. This is what happened to us and they slaughtered and killed people, committing the most heinous crimes against the Iraqi people. If they gather in one place and have the idea of advancing towards Iraq. We will not hesitate for a moment to target them before they arrive…in any place we see. If they have the intention of approaching Iraq, we will not let them advance, not even for a minute.’
That was, as you’ve probably now surmised, the response being given by Iraq, the person speaking those words being Iraq’s Major General Yahya Rasool threatening preemptive strikes to stop any attempted Al-Qaeda insurgency because that is after all, who is now in charge in Syria.
Rasool is the Iraqi spokesperson for Baghdad’s commander in chief and as he clearly stated there, the US have allocated $10 million dollars to those Al Qaeda leftovers, to HTS leader Abu Muhammed Al-Jolani and made clear that if Al-Qaeda linked groups, if HTS or any of the various smaller groups they allied themselves with to bring down Assad head towards Iraq, his army will strike preemptively.
$10 million from the US doesn’t sound a lot, especially when compared to the billions upon billions the US have spent on Israel, it makes it seem almost like a compensation package for saying you’re on your own at this point, but Western attitudes towards HTS will have to wait for anther video, absolutely worth covering though because it is hypocrisy on steroids, but I’ll park that point for now.
It's an understandable response from Iraq though, Iraq have been here before. Where the West does as it always does after making war somewhere else and then bemoaning all the refugees such action creates turning up on their doorsteps asking for help, those refugees are created as one consequence of not fixing a country you’ve blown to smithereens. Iraq as we all know was left to it’s own devices following the fall of Saddam Hussein, but out of that devastated and disjointed country, left to put itself back together, the opportunity for Al Qaeda to grow and the opportunity for ISIS to come into being. Western abandonment helped these terrorists to fester, with all the consequences of that that followed through the War on Terror and beyond. These terror groups, now manifesting themselves as HTS are in no small part a creation of Western colonialism, interference and abandonment after they got bored and went home. After making their war and selling their arms and making a profit off the blood of others, they just went home.
It also presents Syria going forwards with a problem as to where it fits in with the world. Israel and it’s eternal Western allies don’t want anything further to do with HTS, they simply want to grab more land and are doing just that, but equally, as Iraq remembers, having to deal with these groups as it sought to rebuild itself, that additional crisis and warring, cost lives too, the lives of innocents and they are not forgetting it either and this of course presents Syria with a huge problem going forwards as it finds itself now friendless and alone, nobody except the most depraved of Western interests seemingly interested in building some kind of alliance, but you can’t see that ever superceding their Israeli interests can you? Well, that said, it’s a point I’ll come back to in a moment.
But with Israel land grabbing from the west and Iraq threatening pre-emptive strikes from the east, this is a very isolated administration.
Maybe they will elect non Al Qaeda types to government after, but you don’t take over a country with all the effort that entails to just lose your grip like that do you, so it seems unlikely to my mind.
Of course abandoning a nation to its fate like this, is as I’ve already gone over already a very Western thing to do, and given Israel is very much a western colonial and imperialist creation within the Middle East, despite their ridiculous claims on the land in the region, should we be too surprised if this was all part of their plan?
Israel would have known that any Al Qaeda affiliate or remnant consolidating a power base in the Middle East would be anathema to most surrounding Arab states. They themselves wanted nothing more than to grab more Syrian land as they had attempted to before, for example in 2018 Israel attempted to create a buffer zone in southern Syria, only to be thwarted and driven back, but you probably heard nothing about that at the time or since, because when does Israel ever get blamed for anything until we ended up bearing witness to video after video of atrocity being committed by their hands in real times over social media right?
Well now Israeli s grabbing land successfully, HTS aren’t firing at them because they still claim to be Israel’s allies, but Netanyahu and Co are just basically laughing at them now. All Israel are doing now is dismantling Syria one airstrike at a time, since when have they stopped doing that anywhere they’ve attacked from Gaza to Lebanon to Syria since October 7th of last year? They just keep on going and they’ve got a weakened Syria now led by a group who thought Israel were on their side, now at Israel’s mercy instead as Arab states stand aside.
I’d argue that’s a mistake on their part, they ought to be considering who is the bigger problem, HTS in Syria or Israel and acting accordingly, because if they don’t, someone else will and that brings me back to that earlier point about Israeli interests being superceded, though with Iraq’s history with Al Qaeda and ISIS particularly, their reaction and threats of retaliation if HTS forces approach is a completely understandable one.
Syria is still of interest to the West. Syrian oil is the obvious reason for that, the obvious reason why despite HTS being a terrorist organisation, western politicians are still meeting al Jolani, who’s permanent expression of surliness might come as much from the people he’s meeting as the fact he appears to have now been forced into wearing a suit. But there could be more than that.
Israel is a problem not just for the Middle East, but increasingly for the West too. Israel was created not so much as a Jewish state by a bunch of Zionists, as somewhere Jews across the world could go, despite no entitlement in reality to do so, but it also provided the West with a foothold in the Middle East. Israel, being as out of control as it is these days under Netanyahu, could find itself – theoretically at least - replaced as that foothold potentially, should it be deemed so big a problem particularly politically back home in the West, where support for Israel is increasingly becoming a massive vote loser, if the West were to decide starting again in Syria as a better foothold might be a better prospect. Syria is smack bang in the middle of the Middle East, a more strategic position for the West there could not be. It is also far larger than Israel.
Of course the argument against that is certainly one of time, effort and money, but also it would be seen as aligning with terrorists, even though friends and support are things HTS could absolutely do with.
It’s very unlikely to happen, I think Israel would quickly see what was coming, but even if it were something simply spoken about, mooted, it takes the wind out of Netanyahu’s sails, that his nation is not irreplaceable or invincible, especially as reliant on western support as it is.
Netanyahu has been making matters worse and worse with HTS since Assad’s fall, a relationship with them not what he wants, seemingly the complete opposite in fact despite having helped them topple Assad to begin with, a helpful tool was all they were, a means to an end, but their latest incursions have gone completely ignored by mainstream media, more fixated by a big bang instead, so get the details of what they missed in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch, please do also hit like, share and subscribe if you haven’t already done so before you do though, so you don’t miss more daily content, it all helps support the channel as well which is hugely appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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