NBC26 Storm Shield Weather Forecast

6 years ago

Tonight should stay quiet with lows in the upper-50s. Most of the daytime on Thursday will be okay, though with a low pressure system approaching, we'll have a slight chance of an evening shower west of the Fox Valley. Highs will top out around 80 with the winds picking up. As the night wears on Thursday night, that system will be working in, gradually bringing some scattered showers or a T'storm with it as the night wears on. Lows will be mild in the upper-60s. That system will be passing overhead on Friday with areas of showers & storms. Highs will top out in the lower/mid 70s. Showers & storms continue on Saturday with highs in the low/mid 70s. We could see an isolated shower on Sunday, but you'll see more dry hours than anything with rain. Highs Sunday will top out in the upper-70s. 80s return early next week!

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