Object 452K 鐵血雷鷹! | 7 kills 9.2k dmg | world of tanks | @pewgun77

2 months ago

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Object 452K 鐵血雷鷹! | 7 kills 9.2k dmg | world of tanks - Free Online Best Games on PC Video

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CONTACT / BUSINESS: worldtank1212@gmail.com

~~~~~The introduction of tank below is quoted in WOT's website (Tankopedia)~~~~~

The Object 452K was the result of 1960s research to find new tank layouts, specifically with the driver placed in the turret. Control problems were to be solved by using fiber optics or television equipment mounted on the hull. During the design stage, it was proposed to improve both the limited elevation and depression angles of the gun and the inclination angles of the front armor plates on both the turret and the hull. The possibility of optical devices (sights) being damaged by HEAT and HE shells was practically eliminated. The suspension was planned to be made using new materials, including titanium alloy for the support roller disks. Despite the possibility of technical realization, the project was never built.

Nation : U.S.S.R.
Tier : X
Role : Assault Heavy Tank

4 Crews-


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