Colors and Sounds

3 hours ago

Colors and Sounds

When we are born we see images
Colors and sounds
As young children the colors become things
The sounds become words

As we grow into adulthood
Colors become colors
Sounds become.. well sounds

Our minds become cynical
The colors turn red
The sounds become angrier in our heads

We are humans fighting to survive
We put up our fences to stay alive
The reality is we all die

But first we must pass judgement onto others
We mustn’t be denied as we stand and fight for what we think is right
But everyone else has a unique critical thought
Or maybe I am just lost

This world has consumed me
Left me like a fly that can’t fly
Because it doesn’t have wings

So instead I just sit here
High and dry
Nothing left
But black clouds in the sky

Everyone else moves on
Their selfish needs create “one”
Until nothingness is none
Until all loved ones are gone

When we are born we see images
Colors and sounds

The moment before we die we have learned the meaning of these colors and sounds

-Shawn Paul Price
August 10th 2019

Thank you, actors, musicians, videographers, 3D (CGI) animators and sound effect artists. Without you, I would not have been able to turn my Colors and Sounds poem into a visual story.

Written, Narrated and Edited by PricelessSpits 2024 - 2025 License Number ND90Ql


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