0018 - Government Grievances 1 of ∞

2 months ago

Thank you for watching my video. Here I go over some of the dumb and horrific things governments have done in the past and present. This is to some extent why I’m doing what I’m doing. You can’t make this stuff up. I talk about Ukraine, Israel and Syria nonsense, John Stewart’s involvement in getting healthcare to 9/11 first responders, Ruby Ridge, some German fake news… aaaaaand some nonsense out of Illinois. Oh yea, and the ‘08 housing market crash and cash for clunkers. Anyways, all this is as always to work towards The Objective: www.theobjective.community

Please let me know what you think, that’s at the core of what I’m trying to do. Some other places you can find me and discussions on how to improve the status-quo:


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