Side hustle money-making opportunities number 5. Great for Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X income.

2 months ago

Daily Side Hustle Tip Series Number 5. The Next 10 Second Job, Money Making Ideas.

Life Goals Achievement Success Guides. As well as helping you defeat: Lack of focus | Fear of failure | Lack of commitment | Lack of a plan | Procrastination | Lack of confidence | Analysis paralysis | Unrealistic goals | Lack of motivation. So you can live the life you love and love the life you live.
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Side Hustle Number 41.
Start a service which arranges for people to have their original pop lyrics set to music. This service is to satisfy the vanity of lyricists. Offer clients a complete, low cost package. Attract custom by placing ads in the music press.

Side Hustle Number 42.
Devise quizzes which test a persons vocabulary. Sell these to a magazine or newspaper on a regular basis. Alternatively you might do quizzes which test a persons knowledge of a regional dialect. Sell these to regional papers or magazines.

Side Hustle Number 43.
Call door-to-door and offer to buy unwanted furniture. Or use local media to advertise your interest in buying second-hand furniture. Sell what you buy from free ads in local papers, or start your own second- hand furniture shop.

Side Hustle Number 44.
Set up a mail order business which sells motorcycle memorabilia. Put together a catalog which includes: videos, films, posters, photographs, books, instruction booklets, old magazines and newspapers, etc. Advertise your catalog in motorcycle magazines.

Side Hustle Number 45.
Start an enterprise which reproduces classic poems on postcards and posters. Also do framed prints of classic poems. Sell these from a stall in an antiques or crafts market or get them stocked at souvenir or gift shops.

Side Hustle Number 46.
Produce a cataloguing system for record collectors. This system might consist of a card index box with pre-printed index cards. Each card has a printed section for the name of the artist, record and record label. Sell this cataloguing system through record shops or by mail-order.

Side Hustle Number 47.
Publish a monthly audio CD or cassette for one trade, such as newsagents, grocers, hair salons, booksellers, etc. Each CD or cassette should give: Trade news, management tips, suggestions for improving sales, etc. Organize a direct mail campaign to recruit subscribers.

Side Hustle Number 48.
Start a newspaper and magazine roadside stand. Ask established newspaper vendors how they got started.

Side Hustle Number 49.
Bring out a correspondence course about how to write short stories for profit. Sell from newspaper and magazine ads and charge anything up to the average weekly wage (paid in instalments) depending on the contents of the course.

Side Hustle Number 50.
Produce a correspondence course about how to write good poetry. If most poets received a small amount of tuition about how to compose poems, their work would improve dramatically. Sell the course by advertising in literary and women's magazines.

My dear friend, please remember that nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible! Whether you think you can or you think you cannot you are right. Never forget that accepting help is not a sign of weakness. It doesn't make sense to beat your head against the wall by keeping to re-invent the wheel.

Now get out there and live the life you love and love the life you live!

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