Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X side hustles earn money making opportunities number 4. New career.

2 months ago

Daily Side Hustle Tip Series Number 4. The Next 10 Second Job, Money Making Ideas. Exciting new career opportunities.
Life Goals Achievement Success Guides. As well as helping you defeat: Lack of focus | Fear of failure | Lack of commitment | Lack of a plan | Procrastination | Lack of confidence | Analysis paralysis | Unrealistic goals | Lack of motivation. So you can live the life you love and love the life you live.
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Side Hustle Number 31.
Produce 'Add-One' drama video CD or cassettes. Professional actors and actresses perform a play on video. However, there is one character missing from the video. This character is played by a viewer of the video. The viewer learns his or her part and becomes part of the play at home.

Side Hustle Number 32.
Create a folder of sample sales letters for all occasions. The letters might sell: advice, maintenance, products, a service which gives free quotes, etc. Sell these folders by direct mail to small businesses.

Side Hustle Number 33.
Earn money by selling gold chain by the inch at public events such as fairs, markets and exhibitions.

Side Hustle Number 34.
Put together your own catalog of jewelry making supplies. Locate the sources of products by doing the routine work of the mail order trader: write to potential suppliers. Throughout the country there are thousands of craft workers who would welcome a new catalog.

Side Hustle Number 35.
Earn a living by buying gold and silver jewelry from people who need instant cash. Because their need for cash is greater than their desire to get a high price, your mark-up can be good. Only buy jewelry which you know you can re-sell quickly for a profit.

Side Hustle Number 36.
Use fabrics to make soft cases for pencils, spectacles, scissors, bibles, money and other small items which are either potentially dangerous or need protection. At first, make a diversity of products until you discover which are the most popular and profitable, then specialize.

Side Hustle Number 37.
Buy old bibles and hymn books from churches and education authorities. Have the pages shredded and use as stuffing material for 'bible' or 'hymn' pillows, teddy bear and other soft products. Also do 'bible' confetti and stuff bottles to make bottled bibles.

Side Hustle Number 38.
Cut out prints and illustrations from old books. Frame them and sell to a wide range of shops and from a stall at a market fairs and car boot sales.

Side Hustle Number 39.
Make leather and wooden souvenir luggage tags. These tags might feature the name of a holiday town and a popular scene. Get your tags stocked at shops visited by tourists.

Side Hustle Number 40.
Prepare a mixture of dried herbs for adding to bathwater. Invent a brand name for your product like "(your surname) Original Bath Herbs". Package each mixture of herbs and get them stocked at various retailers.

My dear friend, please remember that nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible! Whether you think you can or you think you cannot you are right. Never forget that accepting help is not a sign of weakness. It doesn't make sense to beat your head against the wall by keeping to re-invent the wheel.

Now get out there and live the life you love and love the life you live!

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