"Gender Affirming Care" - THE NEW LOBOTOMY

2 months ago

A 1 hour, 40 minute talk by legal expert Alexander C. Baker, time codes below. The so-called "transgender" movement is a conspiracy to commit involuntary human medical experimentation - on children – and to flush serious legal challenges down the memory hole in top-secret, Star Chamber proceedings.

Time Codes
“Gender Affirming Care” THE NEW LOBOTOMY

I. Introduction 00:00:10
A. About 00:00:13
B. The Mystery 00:01:29
C. The Ideology of the Cult 00:02:33
D. Thesis - Global Conspiracy 00:04:19

II. Our Two Cases 00:05:05
A. Anne Georgulas v. Jeff Younger 00:05:10
B. Ted Hudacko v. Stephen Rosenthal 00:11:50

III. History Human Med. Experimentation 00:19:10
A. All Medicine is an Experiment 00:19:20
1. Lobotomy 00:20:02
2. Tuskegee/Guatemala syphilis studies 00:20:50
3. MKUltra 00:23:23
4. Leo Stanley Experiments 00:24:06
5. Nazi Experiments/Nuremberg Code 00:25:05

IV. Comedy Break 00:26:50
1. Monty Python "Loretta" 00:26:56
2. Monty Python “Miracle of Birth” 00:29:11
3. Good Morning Britain "Theybies" 00:30:01

V. Queer Theory/Why in Our Schools? 00:30:38
A. Marxism 00:30:48
B. Simone de Beauvoir 00:31:34
C. John Money 00:32:19
D. Paulo Freire 00:35:56
E. Queer Theory/David Halperin 00:37:27

"Queer Theory is not being taught to our children, it is being practiced upon them."

F. Robert Garofalo/Selling GAC in School 00:39:24
G. Asaf Orr/ "Schools in Transition" 00:41:11
H. Welcome to Sex 00:42:54

VI. Trans Ideology vs. Medical Science 00:43:40
A. WPATH 00:43:49
1. Standards of Care (SOC-8) 00:44:04
Adolescents 00:44:59
Eunuchs 00:45:26
The Eunuch Archive 00:46:24
2. Mark / Marci Bowers 00:47:36
I am Jazz 00:48:16
3. Amy Tishelman/why drop age limits? 00:51:31
4. Admiral Rachel Levine 00:52:19
5. Johanna Olson-Kennedy 00:53:08
Remobing healthy breasts 00:53:22
It you want breast later... 00:54:03
NIH Study 00:56:24
Refusing to publih 00:58:22
Bridgid Mariko Conn 01:00:42
"Internalized Transphobia" 01:01:14
Ken Zucker and Desistence 01:02:36
WPATH Files 01:03:12

VII. Real Science 01:04:28
Evidence Pyramid 01:04:34
The Dutch Protocol 01:05:18
Tavistock cannot replicate 01:06:24
The Cass Report 01:06:48
Asaf Orr - Good Evidence is unethical 01:08:16
Asaf Orr - It's just a pause button 01:09:34
Asaf Orr - No Effect to fertility 01:10:07
Sallie Baxendale, Ph.D/Decline in IQ 01:10:43

VIII. Our Wonderful Justice System 01:13:14
A. Georgulas v. Younger update
Bridgid Mariko Conn Job
1. Conn To Whom it My Concern Letter 01:13:41
Has referred “thousands”
James really is a girl
On “her” own James “is interested” in
• puberty blockers
• estrogen
• top surgery (fake breasts)
• bottom surgery (vaginoplasty)

**VIEWER DISCRETION -Gory surgery 01:14:28

2. Danielle Hurwitz "Gender Assessment 01:15:07

"I dont' really care about my penis"

Younger Opposition
3. Best Interest of the Child Questions 01:15:49
Miriam Grossman MD 01:16:48

The Star Chamber Order 01:18:57
Cites for Illegailty of Star Chamber 01:19:40
5 Pre-trial Motions to Juhas 01:19:51
Ambush Hearing 01:21:30
Summarily Denied 01:22:16
Juhas Pre-judges the case 01:22:23

Juhas: "I'm not going to manage this child's medical care"

We had a trial 01:23:21
Dr. Grossman was great
Georgulas cancelled JOK (again) 01:24:04
Eckert never filed Declaration 01:24:09
Juhas ignores medicine completely 01:24:27

Juhas: "There is substantial debate about the appropriateness and need for gender affirming care; this is not the question before the court. The sole question before the court is the best interest of Luna"

Blockers: preventative medicine! 01:25:43
We're appealing 01:26:30

B. Hudacko v. Rosenthal update 01:27:07
Illston jerked us around 01:27:22
Improper "abstain"
Judge Reyes will not fillow the law 01:29:00
Amended complaint 01:29:12
Ted's case arises under Constitution 01:29:49

• defendants are government actors
• they violated a constitutional right
• WPATH are govt. actors via UCSF

Violation of Nuremberg code 01:31:20
Invol. Med. Experimentation 01:32:08
The "plausibility" standard 01:32:32
Illston is holocaust denier 01:33:57
Appealing to 9th Circuit 01:34:16

Grounds for Appeal
• granted the WPATH defendants “qualified immunity,” failing to find that parental rights are a fundamental constitutional right, utterly at odds with many Supreme Court cases.

• failed to find that the non-govt. Defendants are de facto state actors, even though they satisfy the Joint Action test

• failed to assume our allegations as true, in particular, finding that Defendants “could have believed” that Supprelin Implant was not a surgery.

IX Conclusion

Elon Musk 01:35:10
"The people promoting [gender affirming care] should go to prison.”

Donald Trump 01:35:52
Gender affirming care is child abuse. It's very simple.

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