161X.20241216 The 9/11 WarRoom with guests Matt Campbell and Ted Walter to talk about the UK Inquest

1 month ago

In this special 9/11 WarRoom recording, Matt Campbell and Ted Walter break down a major turning point in the fight for truth and justice for Geoff Campbell, who tragically died in the North Tower on 9/11. The UK High Court has ordered a rare hearing to determine whether the Attorney General’s refusal to allow a new inquest can be challenged in court, an unprecedented move with huge implications.

Matt and Ted explain why this is more than just a legal technicality: it’s a battle to decide whether the Attorney General is above the law. If successful, the case will set a legal precedent, encouraging others to challenge unjust government decisions.

This recording delves into:
- The significance of the High Court’s decision.
- Why the Campbell family’s case has merit and how it challenges the official 9/11 narrative.
- The hurdles of "lawfare" and the hope this case represents for 9/11 truth worldwide.

Join us as we honor Geoff Campbell on what would have been his 55th birthday and explore how this case could become a game-changer.

Thanks Matt and Ted!
Gene & Sandra

p.s. Send us that donation link. ;)

===CHAT LOG================

17:08:41 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Lawfare is a very great term- it’s how it is… What the courts are best at is dragging their feet, to keep the feet being held to the fire.
18:15:50 From Xander Arena to Everyone:
Good to hear everyone!

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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