8500 miles (Dexter U.S.)

16 days ago

The story behind the song title goes I didn't go 8500 miles to be controlled by threats by satellite or whatever. No lyics to avoid toxicity. Video made in: https://vizzy.io perx track is perx flexbeat #opr8 ++pitchdelay Rythm delay. Classic bass is the other track with opr8 again pitched delay Rythm delay deegain and flexbeat. The drum machine has some nice features, but I did not see a button for continues play without using piano roll but as long as stuff is organized by how your drums function you are o.k. opr8 is complex but very nice and was an offer I could not refuse. I am sure I am going over on my christmas budget stuff. I do want a drum machine where it is easy to put together my own kits as well so I am still on the lookout but most of them I would only get as part of bundle packages.

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