Examine your mouth

2 months ago

Allow the Lord to lead your mouth in all you do. Words have power. They can help or hinder, build or break, encourage or discourage, bring joy or sadness. Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.

It’s life changing when we yield and allow the Spirit to help us in Life. Life is hard, but when we have Jesus, He makes living easier, He enables us with His strength and bears our burdens.

Jesus is the battery that keeps us running, the oil that keeps us burning and the nutrients that keep us mentally and emotionally well. So our words are importance for our own wellbeing. Examine yourself and know if your words bring life or death. Our now, our future and our destiny is based on choices we make and by what we say with our lips.

I pray we pay attention and learn from the Spirit to make our territory, the people that surround us and those that we come in contact with to feel the power of God’s love through our words.

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