RFK JR, Aseem Malhotra, Making America Healthy Again - Sharyl Attkisson 12.15.2024

2 months ago

Robert F. Kennedy Junior faces ardent support as well as harsh opposition in the Senate.. where hearings will be held to confirm him as Donald Trump’s head of Health and Human Services. HHS is in charge of our health agencies: FDA, NIH, and the CDC. I interviewed Kennedy when he was campaigning for president. He spoke about exactly what he wants to do to Make America Healthy Again.

Sharyl: You've spoken more than any candidate that I've heard about, about really, a really big problem: chronic health disorders that are plaguing our society, our children, and adults as well — such as immune disorders like juvenile diabetes, Crohn's, POTS, celiac disease, as well as disorders like autism, the epidemic that has not been successfully addressed even by the most well-funded public health agencies in the world. What would you do about that?

Kennedy: Well, we've gone to, from having 6% of Americans have chronic disease when my uncle was president, to probably around 60% now. We don't really know because NIH won't publish the numbers or do the studies. And we have the sickest generation of kids that we've ever had in our country, and we are the sickest country in the world. So you have to figure out an exposure that hit all Americans, every demographic, beginning around 1989. There's a limited number of them. High fructose corn syrup, cell phone radiation, and, you know, there are PFOAs, which are flame retardants that were put in a lot of products, or children's pajamas, and almost every piece of furniture at that time. And then the vaccine schedule that of course went from three vaccines I had as a kid to 72 vaccines over a very short period of time during that period. And all of those disease, by the way, are listed on the manufacturer's inserts for those 72 vaccines as potential side effects. And those have to be a culprit too. It's probably a combination of all of these, you know, insults. I’m gonna go down to Bethesda, to NIH headquarters, and I'm gonna say to them, we're gonna shift a lot of our focus now from development of incubating pharmaceutical drugs, pharmaceutical products, which is what NIH does, allow them to treat the chronic disease that they're causing. And I am going to say we are going to start figuring out what's causing chronic disease. And there's a lot of other things that need to be done. We need to get pharmaceutical advertising off of TV so that the television stations can return to telling the truth to the American public about health, rather than serving as propagandists for this very, very corrupt industry.

Sharyl (on-camera): Another key public health figure who has been voicing the need to reform establishment medicine is Dr. Aseem Malhotra. He is a British cardiologist who stood out prior to Covid by flagging the serious health risks from processed foods. During Covid he started out as a vaccine advocate. That was until his father, also a doctor, died from heart problems he says were caused by the Covid vaccine. Today, he talks with me about that and his new film: “First Do No Pharm”.

Film clip: Patient began to verbalize feelings of killing other people and then himself.

Film clip: They are now out of control as an entity, that is purely there to make money.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: First Do No Farm is a documentary film which really helps the public policy makers and doctors understand how we've got to this situation of such a worsening pandemic of chronic disease because of manipulation of information that doctors receive from very powerful big corporations.

Film clip: He went to his doctor and after a short visit was given Zoloft which is an antidepressant for insomnia and five weeks later took his own life.

Film clip: Lifestyle changes should be our first port of call, both for our physical and well as our mental health.

Malhotra: It highlights how medical knowledge has come under commercial control, but most doctors don't know that. And invariably, the results of clinical trials exaggerate the safety and benefits of drugs, which means that patients are not really truly getting informed consent when it comes to taking pills. And that's on the back of the fact they also hide data on harms. And that causes a huge issue of side effects and deaths. And one of the commentators in “First Do No Pharm” actually very reasonably concludes that it's likely that millions of people have been killed because of corruption and medical fraud.

Sharyl: Can you be specific and say if you had the power to do 1, 2, 3 really important things that you want to do first, have you thought about what those things would be?

Malhotra: The first thing is because we know that big pharma have in essence been getting away with, you know, harming millions of people for so many years, I think they can know they can develop drugs, but they can no longer test them. They need to be independently analyzed. The studies need to be designed by independent experts and the analysis on whether the drugs are beneficial need to be done by independent experts. I think the second thing that I would suggest is that regulatory agencies like the FDA, should not take any money from pharma. I think it's an absolute scandal that 65% of the funding of the FDA comes from big pharma. I think the third thing I would do is that I would treat ultra processed food like tobacco. You know, ultra processed food is a new tobacco, and therefore what governments can do to help the population is to improve the food environment.

Sharyl: I’ll bet you the thought of putting a warning label on the product might quickly prompt some of the food manufacturers to be creative and figure out other ways to make the food taste good besides the ways that they're currently doing that.

Malhotra: Absolutely Sharyl, we know we need the food industry, but what's happened is greed has replaced need. And it may be that their profits get reduced, but they've been making money essentially from deceiving people, and that's not acceptable. So, you know, we want them to create healthier foods. Ultimately people are gonna eat less as a result, but we'll have a healthier population and at least I hope the CEOs of these food companies with their conscience will be clear if nothing else.

Sharyl (on-camera): You can watch the film “First Do No Pharm” at NoPharmFilm.com . They took no commercial money to stay independent and are charging $10 to download.


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