Glory To The Newborn King #christmasmorning #saviourborn #jesusthesaviour #saviorisborn #christmas

2 months ago

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Song Title: Glory To The Newborn King


In a humble stable's glow
By His side the stars do bow
Joseph watch above
Heaven whispers their pure love

Glory to the newborn King
Angels in the sky do sing
Peace and grace upon this night
Holy child brings purest light

[Verse 2]
In the quiet of the morn
Hope and joy are softly born
In His eyes a future bright
Guiding us through darkest night

With a heart so full of grace
Tender love in every place
Let the chorus gently rise
Filling earth and sea and skies

Glory to the newborn King
Angels in the sky do sing
Peace and grace upon this night
Holy child brings purest light

[Verse 3]
In the eyes of all who see
Lies a promise pure and free
May His blessing ever grow
In the hearts of all below

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