Hilarious Sibling Rivalry

6 years ago

Parents often need to be really careful while welcoming a new baby into the family. That’s mostly because of the older brother or a sister know to be jealous. Another thing, sibling rivalry can be quite dangerous sometimes. It seems like people are bound to be competitive from an early age. For instance, I was really competitive when my sister was in question. I wanted to be a better student than she was and I always wanted to be the good kid. So I always helped my parents to do chores because I wanted to excel in everything.\n\nThis video shows how dangerous sibling rivalry can be! As the video begins, we see two kids, a boy and a girl playing by the window. In one moment we see the younger brother trying to play with the ball with his older sibling. However, he's pleads were denied and he finished with one side of the body in a hole. Coincidence or sibling jealousy? You be the judge!

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