BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 12/16/2024 Investigative Research & Cult Whistleblower Jevim Unlisted Video

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9am Vicky Davis Technocratic Communism - Vicky Davis
The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what.

10am Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country. Christina Holbrook, Melissa Fryzel, Chris Deal

11am Jevim is a whistleblower on Ammon Hillman Cult. We are witnessing an increase in Satanism in the United States under many names. Ammon Hillman's bio from YouTube: "I am Dr. Ammon, recently investigated by the Catholic Church for demon possession and portal opening on the grounds of a Catholic university campus while professor of Classical Languages. This channel is dedicated to the Queen of Many Names and her Cup of Abominations."

Watch on BNN:



Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Vicky Davis, Christina Holbrook, Melissa Fryzel, Chris Deal, Jevim

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