From Fishy-Egos All Alone in bad company to a Healthy Relationship to All Humans

17 days ago

In this video, I describe the change of identity "orientation" undergone by a person, or even a portion of a species, during enlightenment. No, I don't mean sexual reassignment surgery, we call surgical castration, "going the other way," or making up your own gender. No, I am referring to the psychological transformation that occurs with people for better (if they become enlightened,) or worse, (if they are robber Barrons,) when they realize they have a relationship with all of humanity. Within awareness, this can possibly become a great service. Without discernment, it could become another mass formation psychosis or Hollywood human lemmings psyop situation. What is your relationship to the entire human family, if any? A narcissist psychopath really, has no real relationship to anyone at all. A humanitarian who is authentic actually palpably loves us all. Enjoy

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