A Man Feeds Six Kittens

6 years ago

Oh, my, what a wonderful sight! Drop whatever you're doing, because you absolutely have to check out this amazing video! It's so cute, and it will definitely melt your heart. Especially if you're a cat person like I am. And the man in this video. Six kitten cats crawl around a man outdoors as he feeds them with a bottle and he laughs as they bite at him and fight for the bottle. He brushes some of them off and they climb back up. At 3:00 the camera pans to show the mother cat as she grooms herself while the man gets hurt by the kittens. And I really can't decide which kitten is cuter! All of them are such a sight for sore eyes! What did I tell you? The cutest sight ever! This man is the happiest man on Earth with so many adorable kittens surrounding him.

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