A Toddler Boy VS A Dishwasher

5 years ago

Ever since the invention of dishwashers, tackling piles of dishes has become so much easier. I don’t know about you, but I think that I couldn’t live without a dishwasher. I mean how can you not be a fan of the dishwasher when those appliances do the whole job for you. However, not everybody likes dishwashers as much as I do. Let’s take the little boy from this video as an example! As the clip starts you can see an adorable toddler boy who’s probably encountered a dishwasher for the first time. As his mom tries to explain to him how does the process of machine dishwashing works, he keeps screaming. LOL! I don’t know what it is about open dishwashers that makes this little boy feel uncomfortable. LOL! He keeps screaming each time his mom places a dish into the appliance. How funny is this screaming little boy? Totally hilarious if you ask me!

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