Precious Dog Not Sure What To Think About A Lobster

6 years ago

Oh, another precious canine friend video! My heart melts with joy when I see that we have another one of these. They are always so wonderful, and at times, very hilarious. Just like the one we have today. Our canine friends love us and want to make us happy. But, what they do not realize is that they make us laugh out loud even when they do not plan to. Just like the doggo in this video did. You absolutely have to check him out, he's so hilarious! He was standing in the kitchen when he noticed something strange on the floor. It was a lobster! Oh, my! It was obviously his first time seeing one, so he started jumping around it, and he was so confused. No worries, little one! And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, another proof that our canine friends are so hilarious, and one of the best things that have ever happened to us!

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