Tot Boy Rockstar Plays The Drums

6 years ago

Toddlers are such adorable excitable beings, we can all agree on that! And when they find something that they are interested in, they just can’t stop having fun with their favorite new game. Let’s take the little boy from this video as an example. He’s discovered that he’s a talented drum player. If you have never seen and heard a little boy playing drums, you have to check out this hilarious video! You’re in for a treat, if I say so myself! As the clip begins, you can see this tot boy having so much fun playing on a drum set. OMG, how cool is that? And not only is he playing the drums, he’s also singing at the same time! So amazing! Oh, how adorable is he as he laughs upon hitting both cymbals at the same time. This little boy is a natural! There’s a promising career in music ahead of him, that’s for sure. Just wait until he grows up, he’ll be a rockstar one day, for sure! How awesome is that?

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