Collapsing Structures: Full Metal Ox Day 1389

2 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1389
Wednesday 18, December 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1454
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Collapsing Structures

The current situation in West Asia is over a hundred years old and represents the myopic, colonial mindset of the White/European Elite, (as opposed to subjects of the respective crowns, who were also melanin deficient.) The Ottoman Turkish Empire collapsed after World War 1, the allies, Britain & France created the countries of Lebanon & Syria among others as well as Palestine, which were all part of the Ottoman Empire before the defeat. After WW2 Israel was created. This is what I mean by "built on weak foundations," in today's episode.

The history is very complex, but the solutions are borne out of a sense of superiority, an imperial mindset, and a profound sense of ignorance vis-a-vis, the history of the region. (Of course your humble scribe didn't know any of this stuff either. Just sayin'.)

Quickie Weigh-in Wednesday. I realized i could do this in about a minute and it's been a while. We didn't stop tracking, just stopped "bragging" about it. Ha ha.

Enjoy the vibes. Fear not, mortals... You're NOT Mortals.

Today's Episode:

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:
Support with Venmo (noxsoma).

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 10] Functional Fall. Deadlifting is still a thing, however we sustained what we deemed a nerve injury that we are still recovering from. (We know the difference between nerve ache & muscle soreness, we think.) Our Autumn plan is for more dynamic movement, rotation, jump training, body weight work. Still working towards strength & power via lifting, but also isometric holds, balance, dead hangs, and various assisted moves. Still working towards, muscle ups, plange, front lever, pistol squats and a few more gymnastic moves. The work is beneficial even if it takes us "forever" to hit those moves. I can feel some dormant muscles activate upon attempting various moves & positions.

Participation Trophy Episode 117 (Saturday) -

Friday Leg Bomb Episode 116 -

Powerful Return MBB 35 (Wednesday) -

Mature Upper Body Session Episode 114 -

OMG Exotic Friday Gymmy Jamm Episode 113 -

Fortnight Pilot 001 -

Embrace the Exotic - Ep 112 -

More Exotic Fitness - Episode 111 -

Dreams Come True - Episode 110 -

Saturday Finisher - Episode 109 -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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