TOMAX & XAMOT - G.I. Joe ReAction+ - Unboxing & Review - KnightWolf Gets Mad

2 months ago

I betting that based on the thumbnail you can guess what happened.

Used the ending theme from G.I. JOE the Movie
Royalty Free Music from Mixkit.
Techno Fest Feel by Alejandro Magana
Comical by Ahjay Stelino

#tomax #xamot #tomaxandxamot #xamotandtomax #Crimsonguardcommanders #extensiveenterprises #Crimsontwins #reaction #reactionplus #reaction+ #gijoe #GIJoereaction #GIJOe0ring #oring #super7 #arealamericanhero r #cobra #cobratheenemy #theenemy #gijoearealamericanhero

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