Revelation 21: Once saved, always saved? THE MEEK

2 months ago

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Faith without works is dead.
The works done by the former Hebrews of Israel, were accounted as faith, yet ONLY if sincerely true faith, not just going through the motions. What is "faith"? It exceeds far beyond mere hope, but both believes and does truly trust.
Once one leaves a place of darkness, leading unto everlasting death, you may "backslide" and choose to return OR ever look forward to finding that place of life, peace and everlasting joy. The most important journey of this life is the spiritual sojourn, not the physical soul experience. For those who are SAVED FROM DEATH, this life is the closest they will ever come to "hell". For those who are NOT, sadly, this is the closest they will ever be to "heaven".
Yes, for those of the past OLD COVENANT, works were done with faith, if not out of mere cultural compliance. Yet, for those of us belonging to the NEW COVENANT, faith leads to doing good works, but must be done so within LOVE.
That is all for today.. and forever.
Michael John Rood
author of "the Chronological Gospels"
An time-accurate accounting of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, plus the Acts of the apostles and the 4th gospel of Messiah, REVELATIONS - a REVELATION of many revelations, regarding the future, present days that we now live in.
NUMBERS 6:24-26
A word from Chief Stands Alone,
regarding and referring to the Sacred Scriptures.
"That's a good book to read. I might be contrary to our way of thinking but, then again, it just might change our minds".
May YOUR life be changed, this very day and moment.
P.S. There is a HUGE difference between faith and religion.
Study, meditate, pray.
Clergy ain't going to save you.
Shalom, Y'all!

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