The NOW "clear and present" FUTURE of A.l.

2 months ago

Wish I could recall the recent main flow media report about some [name of an] A.l. app that showed harsh criticism come-backs (replies), mostly intended for kids. It was on the so-called "NEWS" - not that there is anything "NEW" on it nor "anything new, under the sun", other that typical, mundane, {AP wire}, non-investigative, repetitiously repetitive "reports", but can you even begin to BELIEVE this krap?!?
Yes, sometimes I misspell or make far too many typos, BUT..
S M H & R M E ~!!! 😒🙄 and in all CAPS! 🧢🧢
🖕🏽U AL! 🖕🏽
Take a hike, you 🤖👹 POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎
Honestly, truthfully, frankly and boldly,
I thus proclaim thee to be a "MORON!"
no 🧠 no soul, no NoTHING!
Absolutely UNfricking believable.
What and upside-down, inside-out, backward world.
2Thes.2:9 🕸️🕷️
Learn something new, everyday, folks.
Today's lesson? LOL! Good Luck!!! 🤪
BTW, the answer to everyone's current question

The expected unexpected...... 45-47
Dumb 𖫪𖫪 and 𖫪🎩👒
"They know not what they DO...!"
NUMBERS 6:24-26

"So, what do those NUMBERS mean?"
((( Someone actually ASKED! )))
Listen up, closely, folks.
There are only to too two 2 possibilities..
1. DJT is going to be our >SAVIOR<
2. He is paid, sold out and bought for "controlled opposition"
That's what it REALLY means in MATTHEW 24
>"my name".. "Christ"<
Put on your GOD damned 🧠💭🧢🧢!
Need an arrow to direct your attention and FOCUS?
Then YOU are HERE🚧🚷🛑!
No,. really.. I'm calm.
dumb muther fockers
I just simply hate and despise evil.. and stupidity.. and rudeness.. and cowardliness.. and.. I digress.

🙏that Mr.TrumpPence 🎺 is a white hat 🤲

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