Brian Stelter Gets BURIED On X/Twitter For Denying His Hunter Laptop 'Conspiracy' History

2 months ago

Posted • December 15, 2024: The recent Inspector General Report about the 'insurrection' at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, has put another nail in the coffin of both media and government credibility. For years, anyone who indicated that the federal government, specifically the FBI, was involved in the riot that took place that day was called a conspiracy theorist or far worse. Well, lo and behold! The DOJ IG report not only revealed that there were dozens of FBI confidential human sources in attendance that day, but many of them went into the Capitol, an act of trespassing for which many citizens are currently languishing in prison. Some people belong in prison alright, but it's not the ones who are in there now. Naturally, in light of the IG report, members of the dead legacy media are trying to cover their tracks and pretend their gaslighting about January 6 never took place. Fortunately, it is 2024, Twitter is a free speech platform, the Internet is forever, and video is a thing that exists.

Last night, one of our favorite accounts for bringing the receipts, @mazemoore, exposed America's least favorite potato, Brian Stelter, for his claims that the FBI involvement in Jan. 6 was a 'hoax.' -- MAZE @mazemoore: “2021. Brian Stelter breaks down the "hoax" that FBI assets infiltrated the crowd on January 6th. 😂 Fun fact. Before the 2020 election Stelter spent an entire show claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was a right wing conspiracy that was started by the Russians.” -- Aww, we even got a Don Lemon sighting there. Hey, what's that guy up to? (Never mind. We don't care.) Obviously, this 2021 video is just more egg on the media's face as the IG report shows that Tucker Carlson was right and Stelter was making things up as usual. But in Maze's tweet, he also mentions how Stelter called Hunter Biden's laptop a 'right-wing conspiracy' in 2020. The Spud was not happy about that at all. And he entered Maze's replies to say so.

Brian Stelter @brianstelter Replying to @mazemoore: “Your "before the 2020 election" claim is false.” -- Readers added context: Brian Stelter did in fact claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was right wing propaganda from Russia during a CNN report in October 2020. -- Oh really, Brian Stelter? So, you're claiming that you didn't say Hunter's laptop was a right-wing conspiracy? It reminds us of the old saying: 'It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.' Stelter should have followed that advice. -- MAZE @mazemoore: “I said that Brian Stelter claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was right wing propaganda from Russia before the 2020 election. He says I am lying. Watch this video from October of 2020 and you decide.” -- LOL. CNN even put 'conspiracy' in their chyron.

And with that evidence, the ratio was off and running, much to Stelter's misfortune (but much to our delight). I LOVE a good ratio on X 😂😂😂 That was just last night. It's gotten much worse since then, with more than 1,000 people dunking on the Potato. -- Deleting would have been a good idea. Now, not only is all of Twitter mocking Stelter but his tweet was slapped with a Community Note as well. OOF. Tomorrow Brian will announce he is leaving X because it has become toxic and his bs will get called out. Paraphrasing of course. HAHAHAHA. We look forward to Stelter joining the rest of the screeching leftists over on BlueSky. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Potato Au ROTTEN: Brian Stelter Gets BURIED for Denying His Hunter Laptop 'Conspiracy' History

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