Lawsuit & Congressional Hearing # 5 - The End of The Agency White Whale & Heads On Sticks

2 months ago

Lots of agency incompetence exposed. All good info for people who are unaware of the FBI'S LYING MOUTH & who are unaware of the SELF-INVENTED DELUSIONAL WORLD OF AGENTS WITHIN THIS ILLEGAL PROGRAM OF STALKING. We expose a few of the delusional and out of touch beliefs & theories of agents. The last hour of vid is a collage of vid clips from the last three weeks since they hijacked & killed my cat on November 21st.
59:15 - CASETTE SOUNDBTES FROM 2012. A Tape I did for German Agents and an individual from Alt-Media. You will note where I was at 13 YEARS AGO, and how stupid they are trying to portray me as now- its a contradiction. Its a lie. If I was there 13 years ago, u think I got worse? You will also note the heavy & extreme behavior they were getting away with at that time- much of it involved attacking my family while hiding it from everyone around us.
2:20:00 - A Cassette from 2012/13 which I did for Agencies- A TIME CAPSULE, look at the points and observations from then and now.

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