Crescent City, CA Tide Pools, Marina and Campfire on the Beach.

2 months ago

This video includes clips from our visit to tide pools at Crescent City, California. See videos and pictures of oceanic wildlife in the tide pools. This is followed by a visit to Crescent City Marina and then spending the evening by a campfire on Crescent City Beach. In our visit, locals told us about their tradition to spend an evening building a campfire on the beach. Aside from the nostalgia of a campfire on the beach, another reason for doing a campfire is to help manage wood that comes down local rivers from the nearby Redwood Forest and collects on the beach.

Sorry for the bouncy video. I know it can be hard at times to watch it. It does get better through the video. We were obviously having some video problems. We tried editing it but decided that what would have to be cut eliminated too much of the experience. We plan to do a slide show video of pictures of our visit to the tide pools. So please have patience with the video struggles and enjoy.

Background Music: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license YouTube Audio Library

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