I Tested Philips 2000 Series Airfryer for 30 Days Here's What Happened

2 hours ago

I Tried the Philips 2000 Series Air Fryer for 30 Days. A discussion of the Philips 2000 Series Airfryer - 4.4 qt (4.2 l). Model# NA220/00. Thoughts, impressions and comparisons are discussed. This has the same functions as model model NA221/00.

0:00 Introduction
0:38 General impressions
1:21 Door concerns
3:19 Evenness of cooks
4:16 Hotness level
5:02 User interface
5:51 Noise and smoke
6:01 Use experiences
7:47 Cleaning
9:02 Rack concern
10:33 Comparisons
13:14 Closing

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