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why are YOU complying with people

2 months ago

Gee, and We The People thought that term 'national interest' meant something else... 😳

Question for We The People AGAIN... why are YOU complying with people like this?

- asking for a few deceased friends

Meine Güte, und wir, das Volk, dachten, der Begriff „nationales Interesse“ bedeute etwas anderes … 😳

NOCHMAL eine Frage an uns, das Volk … warum fügst DU dich solchen Leuten?

– Frage für ein paar verstorbene Freunde

🟨 Worth considering...

1) Trump recreates an image from the Q Drops, signing with a White House pen and changing the 'G' to 'Q'

2) It occurred on an exact 7 year delta of 12/12/17 and says at the bottom "MERRY CHRISTMAS"

3) The same drop (1182) that says "Follow the 'Pen' also discusses a SKY EVENT

4) All occurring while a drone SKY EVENT is happening in CA, NJ and now NYC



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