President Donald Trump has publicly stepped into the mystery drone

2 months ago
President Donald Trump has publicly stepped into the mystery drone sightings issues and has released a statement saying:

"Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge? I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!!”

Trump's statement gives an important clue into the origin of the mystery drones and why he is suggesting shooting them down.

Trump is aware that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth, as first publicly revealed by Prof Haim Eshed in Dec 2020. According to Eshed, Trump wanted to disclose the visitors to the world but was told humanity was not yet ready.

So, Trump wants to make a deal with the Galactic Federation, so he would be very unlikely to suggest shooting down UFOs that may belong to the Federation or other advanced technology visitors (e.g, cryptoterrestrials).

The advanced capabilities of the drones, such as being able to operate both underwater and in the atmosphere, suggest these do not belong to a peer adversary such as Russia or China, let alone regional powers such as Iran.

The most likely origin of the mystery drones is the Deep State using highly classified advanced aerospace technologies that can overcome regular military jamming technologies and can outperform military jets. This is what Trump is alluding to when he says the government (Biden admin/Deep State) knows what is behind the drone phenomenon.

The Deep State wants to obfuscate, confuse, and frighten people when it comes to UFOs, and is doing so by unleashing swarms of drones manufactored by unknown aerospace companies, General Dynamics, Lockheed, etc. Trump wants to put a stop to this Deep State operation, which is why he is now recommending shooting down the mystery drones.

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