What's The Deal With Monopoly, More Questionable Disconnects Versions

2 days ago

Here right off the start, I connect to a game, and then when I roll dice got the disconnect, examining it in the playback another player disconnects at that moment that I get disconnected.

Next I begin a match (online, room code invisible) against AI players, 2 internet entities (taking 3 total spots cause one entity is using 2 controllers at their locale) join, and one disconnects before I can even disconnect it for going too slow. The other I disconnect just after because I don't want to deal with any real bugger of people entity types at that advanced stage in my game against AI. 10 minutes later entities again attempt to enter my game, and I am kicked out of my own match, Disconnected.

Frustrating matches both. Friday night matches. Perhaps the server is too loaded because it's Friday night? No real good explanations here except this video. Video can really help when playing the MONOPOLY to help me from feeling like I am being the target of random authoritative smackdowns. Helps me that's why I do it.

Looking back I am not as injured as when I was kicked from the match, and felt that I must have been 'reported' by someone because the dead internet connection seemed to ensue during my own match I start just after. No telling what is really happening here but with the benefit of hindsight thru video recording, it is clear that there are other players connecting and disconnecting at the key moments when I am seeing myself get disconnected.

In the following video I show that there are name things going on with the entities, as one called itself Bignose and that just doesn't sit right with me I know too much about the little nose big nose diorama that is always going on online to take to superlightly. Anyway that is not in this video but the video I made after this one.

No reason to get too bent out of shape I think it's probably just server issues. However I never go full retard either way. Seems highly likely that I am in fact the target of a character assassination by reporting. Why not? It's going on everywhere on the internet. And I have not kept the lowest profile. And I am unable to change my name or set any random name.

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