Abolish All Property Taxes Once and For All! Amazing and Revealing Interview!

2 months ago

All Politics is Local is brought to you in part by American Revival Press - http://AmericanRevival.press

Episode 30 - Ax Michigan Tax Citizens Petition - www.AxMITax.org - interview with Karla Wagner, its founder.

Robert Anthony had Karla back on the show to update us on her great work to End All Property Taxes in the State of Michigan, and beyond!

This is a long interview but Robert and Karla cover the topic in depth explaining in detail how it is more the possible to abolish property taxes and yet not strain the states budget but not only in Michigan, but throughout every state of the nation!

This concept needs to spread far and wide! We should have never put ourselves in a position to allow the state to take our families properties away from mere default on property taxes.

This is a tremendous new vision for America!! Truly a vision of Freedom and Liberty!

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