Explorer Series Tape #11 Responsibility to SELF

2 months ago

Limitations in human communication are due to a focus on proving, rather than believing and understanding the process.

Join Robert Monroe in understanding energy levels, human potential, vibratory states and a soul's journey after physical death.

0:00 Using sound science signals to access altered states of consciousness
• Conditions and setting of the monitoring units.

4:34 Human communication and energy levels
• Communication between minds on Earth and beyond is different, depending on altitude.
• Five levels of consciousness within the human system.
• Five energy bases within the physical body and their role in communication.

13:01 Human communication potential, limitations, and flow
• Re-educating the human race to tap into full potential of communication.
• Balance within 5 levels of the human system is crucial for effective communication.
• The importance of understanding soul travel and vibratory rates.
• Consciousness can travel from one being to another at different vibrational rates, depending on limitations within the human system.

24:17 The potential of human communication and the limitations of proving its existence
• The importance of open communication systems and the potential for two-way contact with higher levels of vibration.
• Limitations in human communication are due to a focus on proving, rather than believing and understanding the process.

31:11 Consciousness, vibration, and transformation after physical death
• The importance of embracing one's true potential and being open to new experiences and knowledge.
• Those who are in the flow of their own existence can communicate with all levels of consciousness within the first dimension.
• Death is a thought form, not a physical reality.
• Transformation of basic energies from physical body to higher vibrational state.

41:42 Souls' vibrational levels and their journey after death
• The more evolved etheric self can travel to higher dimensions and visit loved ones on different vibrational rates.
• Souls can be held back by others' mental energy, but those who are free emotionally and mentally are released into higher vibration.
• Thoughts and emotions attract like-minded souls, trapping them in mental and emotional forms.

48:25 Spiritual responsibility and attunement
• The soul's true nature is eternal now, with no before or after.
• Soul's responsibility is self-love, affecting many lives.
• The importance of self-responsibility for spiritual growth.
• The importance of inner balance, attunement, and love.

Want to learn how to reach these states?
👉 https://www.monroeinstitute.org/

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