Second Song I’ve Heard (One Rap/One Metal) About The UHC CEO Assassin | Check Description

2 months ago

I keep hearing MSM talking heads repeating over and over again it’s solely the left making light or even celebrating the assassination. It’s not true. Every side & type of person out there is doing it.

I turned on my radio last night to hear Mark Levin absolutely raging about it. I’m sorry some of you may not like this opinion but I’m not a Levin fan and really FKN pray my opinion doesn’t change anything because it shouldn’t because it’s irrelevant and we’re not like the mentally ill on the other side and hate people that may have a different opinion.

The reason I’m not a fan of his is the same reason I’m not a fan of any of the MSM talking heads or popular radio hosts. He was losing his mind screaming and raging about the lack of empathy for the loss of life yet he was as quiet as a mouse about the theft of our country Nov 3rd 2020.

I’m sorry but that’s one of my things no one gets a pass for. In my opinion they choose money, book deals, and their show over speaking up, doing what’s right, and calling fraud fraud.

If I, just like most of you I’m willing to bet, wasn’t already a millionaire & could live comfortably for the rest of my life like Levin I would still be willing to lose it all including my job and any book deals to speak up and to fight for this country.

I made sure to take note of everyone who remained silent & allowed the fraud to continue.

Just like I did every single person that pushed, propped up, and turned on 45+ to push some other candidate in the primaries a few months back. To me that clear cut that yours and my interests are not the same.

Also leads me to believe you’re either corrupt, compromised, or blackmailed. Candace Owen’s for example whom I’ve always been a fan of totally let me down backing Desantis. Doesn’t help I know she’s more than smart enough to see whom the only candidate is that will seek justice and fix our issues.

One of Desantis campaign slogans was basically looking forward and not dwelling on the past. Not seeking “Retribution”. The exact FKN opposite of what myself and every single one of you want.

Accountability is the only way our country can heal and move forward in a positive way. A dark cloud will always hang over this country if there’s no justice. It’s a joke & a charade until it’s fixed and unfortunately justice is the only way.

FOX news hates Trump & they hate you. They paid millions doing everything they could to swap out 45+ for Desantis. By they I mean Paul Ryan, George Bush, & Rupert Murdoch.

They failed miserably, hilariously, and on an epic scale because the American people know there’s no one else that can do what needs to be done other than 45+.

Sorry about this FKN book I wrote but appreciate whoever stuck around till the end.

Have a great weekend frens & patriots.
I’ve got a lot of work to do this weekend & still Christmas shopping to do 🙄, which I loathe 🤣, but will be in and out posting as much as possible.

Keep your heads up, take a break, & spend some time with friends, family, and loved ones.

T-Minus 38 Days & Counting.
Expect the panic & chaos to go off the charts the closer we get.

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