Team Humanity Serves Lawsuit Against The New World Order

2 months ago

The Unjected podcast has taken the bull by the horns. They and others behind the cause known as Team Humanity have filed a landmark Federal Lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Galveston, Texas naming names including The Biden-Harris Administration, The State Of Hawaii,Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson,The CDC,NIH,FDA,EPA,NIAID,FEMA,The World Health Organization, The DOD,DOJ,FBI,DHS,US Air Force,Space Force, the FAA and all Commercial Airlines. The lawsuit intends on banning mRNA injections, Geoengineering, 5G, and accountability for the illegal border crossings. The people are fed up. And plaintiffs are encouraged to join the lawsuit to reach class-action lawsuit status. To join the lawsuit and find out more simply go to

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