Darkcel Returns | The Podcast #10 - The Normalization of Loneliness is Killing Us!

2 months ago

As the title suggests... yes, loneliness is an issue, but I believe the broader and more prominent issue is those that support it and want everyone, as well as themselves, to embrace isolation and alienation. That is NOT the point of humanity and NOT a plus for present and future generations. Say what you will, but you will most likely not see that you are simply projecting your own self-hatred and self-absorption onto unknowing and ignorant people that don't know any better, aka Gen-Z and beyond. Normalizing bad behavior and anti-social tendencies does no one favors nor should it be promoted as "progressive". The more we are unwilling to talk to one another and get back to a more "normal" social world, the deader we become, as well as a detriment to future generations that, once again, don't know any better.

#darkcel #incel #manosphere #loneliness #inceldom #isolation #darkceldom #mstow #alienation #lonelinessepidemic #lonelinessawareness #asocial #antisocial #normies #podcast #episode10 #incelpodcast

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