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Cruise Ship Missions - More Details


  • 0/2000
  • I read Jonah's cruise review, and he said he wanted to die, and it was basically hell, and yes, he got a whole bunch of people saved too, but he didn't like it. This sounds so much nicer.

  • This will make it much easier for families to participate in missions.

  • Also, for people who are worried about being able to communicate on the cruise ship while it is at sea. Typically, you can use the cruise line app to create a group chat that you use while you are on the boat or at sea. You do not need WiFi to use it. You only need WiFi to sign on initially.

  • That's amazing! I can't wait to go!

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  • You can also use the cruise line apps to view all the activities and create a daily itinerary for yourself and the people in your group so it is easy to organize events on the ship between friends and families. It’s pretty awesome.

    1 like
  • Sounds great!!

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  • That's awesome!

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  • One objection, or rather a concern to be aware of - certain cruiseliners are magnets for fags.

  • This does sound like a good idea, though more for Americans only. Here in South Africa the cruise only really goes to Mozambique so unless you speak Portuguese it wouldn't be fruitful. Europe, cruises would go to places like France, Malta, Sicily, Greece, Balearics or alternatively Norway, Svalbard. South America would be Argentina, Falklands, Antarctica. Australia would be some Oceanic islands. So the cruise thing sounds like a great and economical way for you to win souls in the Americas.

  • My church doesn't let members organize soulwinning without the pastor's consent. Is this normal? I like hearing about how Kevin took initiative but that kind of initiative seems frowned upon in the old IFB