Muirs of the Highland...My Race is Royal (All Septs of Melaninated People)

2 months ago

Titles/Style: Mor, Moor, Mohr, Moore, Muir, Muur, Murril, Murray, Mour, Moure, Myre, Myres, Langmoore, Longmuir, O'More, O'Morhda, O'Moore, Moore, Morey, de Mora, etc. all originate from melaninated Beings.
Moor just means melaninated.

The Scots and the Scottish:

Our Scot ancestry was in the Americas prior to arrival of the pale Scottish immigrant bondsmen who were subject to (belonging to) the Crown of England. To find the truth there will always be a break in HisStory, from the Original then pick up again from the Usurper's view. The information listed on the video site is a combination of Truth, and the perverted views of the supplanter, your inner wisdom will see what is true and what has been made-up to hide the truth.

These Anglo-Scottish (Germanic) people were the same people that ran the original Scots from their homelands in Ireland/Scotland and followed them to the America. Karl Marx wrote a series of letters, papers on "The Irish Question". It is he who noted the difference between these New Arriving Immigrant Scottish and the Scots that were already in America. (I will add more on this point later in the comment section of the below article). Thank you!

Article: Moors of the Highland...My Race is Royal

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