Exclusive Fragrance Launch Event Vlog | Theodoros Kalotinis X You.se

2 months ago

Topic of the video:
Hello Gentlemen. 👋
In this video, I will take you with me to Göteborg, Sweden for an exclusive fragrance launch event with You.se / SwedishFace.dk

This fragrance event was filled with a lot of fragrances, an exclusive fragrances between you.se X Theodoros Kalotinis "Caramel Brownie Eau De Parfum" and a lot of fellow content creators & friends.

At the end, I will show you everything that I got from my trip. 👀

● Piotr Grotnik Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piotr_grotnik/?hl=da
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0:00 - You.se X Theodoros Kalotinis Event
0:06 - Arrived In Göteborg
0:43 - Outfit of The Day & Fragrance of The Day
1:26 - You.se showroom
1:31 - Theodoros Kalotinis "Cinnamon Rolls" First Impressions
2:09 - Theodoros Kalotinis "Caramel Brownie" Exclusive Fragrance
4:24 - Theodoros Kalotinis Collab
6:34 - Recap
7:21 - Theodoros Kalotinis Fragrances
8:08 - Thank You For Watching & Thank You You.Se

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#TheodorosKalotinis #Fragrance #Fragrances #NicheFragrance #NicheFragrances

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