The Green Lit Matrix Room 0035

2 months ago

Hi there World.

This is my 35th Green Lit Matrix Room post on Rumble. The world is Lite/diminished by the Cabal trying to force a One World Secular-Pseudo-Religious Order.

My comments start after the one hour talk show Democracy Now.

This video is from Friday December 13th 2024CE / 00•00•12•02•15 on the Olmec Long Count Calendar broadcast, of the Green Lit Matrix Room.

3/4th of a winal finished by during this Lunar Phase.

#AlternativeRadio #AR #ARReport #DemocracyNow #Rant #Comment #InvestigativeNews #InvestigativeMedia #Trump #Harris #LGBT #LostGirlsBoysTransported #LGBTQ #LostGirlsBoysTransportedQuietlyAgainstTheirWill #Suffrage #MMIW #MMIP #Sugarcane #Plantation #Freedom #Liberation #FreePalestine #IsraeliteNotIsraeli #Palestine #Love #Peace #Battle #War #StopWar #StopBattle #StopCombat #Combat #CombatEnds #EndCombat #NoWeaponsAgainstHumans #NoWeaponsForWar #NoOffensive #OffencesIsNotDefence #StopIDF #AllWarZonesEnd #StopTheCabal #NoNAZIZionist #SemiticArabs #SemiticAfricans #SemiticPeoples.

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