Precious Baby Boy Has Something Important To Say

6 years ago

Well, hello there. You've probably entered this video hoping to find out what is the important thing this precious baby boy has to say. Well, your wait is over. You're about to find out! Excited yet? The adorable baby boy was on the floor, and he was laughing out loud because his father was tickling him. The father tickled the precious baby boy, and said he does not plan to stop until the baby boy says that he loves his father. Everyone was having such a good time, and the baby boy could not be happier. So, the father did the same thing again and then, the little boy decided to say it. But, instead of saying that he loves his father, the adorable baby boy said that he had pooped himself. LOL! What a hilarious twist! The family definitely did not see this coming. It's such a hilarious sight!

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