Colby Covington calls LeBron James a scumbag

2 months ago

Colby Covington, one of Trumps Favorite MMA Fights wants to ask Lebron James some questions…

“I wanna ask Lebron, What does he mean by, ‘there’s no party like a Diddy party’?

LeBron, how many Diddy parties have you been to?

And is that the reason you left social media because of all the backlash you were getting going to so many Diddy parties?

It’s just pathetic man.. people think this guy’s a role model.

Lebron, you’re a f**king scumbag… and I hope you get locked up in the same cell with Diddy.”

MEANWHILE… it was just announced Lebron is stepping away from the Lakers for “personal reasons”..

It’s coming you sicko.

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