Nufftingz Shorts: Catching A Wild Hundo Snorlax

2 months ago

Pokémon GO is a free-to-play mobile application developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. The game was initially released on July 6th 2016. In Pokémon GO, players catch various Pokémon, evolve them using candies, and power up them in order to battle. These Pokémon are mapped to locations in the real world using GPS technology. PokéStops located at various real-world landmarks aid in this by distributing items for use in catching and battling with Pokémon.
Snorlax (Japanese: カビゴン Kabigon) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.

It evolves from Munchlax when leveled up with high friendship.

Snorlax can Gigantamax into Gigantamax Snorlax if it has the Gigantamax Factor.

In Generations I and II games, their remakes, and Pokémon X and Y, wild Snorlax can be found sleeping in inconvenient locations. In order to catch one, a Trainer must first awaken it with music from either a Poké Flute or the Pokégear set to the Poké Flute channel.

Snorlax is the game mascot of Pokémon Sleep.
Snorlax is a huge, bipedal, dark blue-green mammalian Pokémon with a cream-colored face, belly, and feet. Its body is composed of mostly its belly, as its limbs are comparatively small. Its head is large with small, pointed ears, and two pointed teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It has round feet, which both have three claws and a circular brown paw pad, and short arms with five claws on each hand. Snorlax's bulk makes it the heaviest Normal type.

Snorlax is often found in mountains and forests. It wakes up only to eat, requiring 900 lbs. (400 kg) of food per day before returning to its slumber, although it can also eat while it is resting. It is not a picky eater, as its strong stomach allows it to eat even moldy food without feeling any ill effects. It can even handle thorny plants or Muk's poison. Snorlax is docile enough to let children and small Pokémon bounce on its large stomach. Despite its apparent laziness, however, Snorlax can exhibit tremendous power when prompted. Snorlax is known to appear without warning in villages and steal their food supplies, such as rice granaries, which has long been considered a disaster whenever it happens. Professor Neroli does research on Snorlax, particularly on their ability to attract Pokémon around them to sleep. A lot of Pokémon tend to gather around Snorlax to sleep near it or on it.

Snorlax is the only known Pokémon capable of using the Z-Move Pulverizing Pancake.

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