John Kirby takes about President Xi attending Trump’s inauguration, CNN Disinformation

2 months ago

During a White House press briefing on Thursday, Communications Advisor John Kirby was asked about China’s President Xi being invited to Trump’s inauguration.

CNN's disinformation on behalf of the CIA and the U.S. State Department, CNN has been accused of spreading disinformation on behalf of the CIA and U.S. State Department. Critics argue the network amplifies narratives that align with government interests, undermining impartiality. This raises concerns over media objectivity and the public's trust in reliable journalism.

#MediaDisinformation #CIAInfluence #StateDepartment #FBIResignation #ChrisWray #KashPatel #MediaBias #JournalismIntegrity #LuigiMangione #UnitedHealthcareCEO #BrianThompson #WhiteHouseBriefing #JohnKirby #ChinaRelations #XiJinping #USPolitics #MediaAccountability #CorporateMedia #PublicTrust #CriticalThinking

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